Composite-Tech takes the composites industry further than ever before by introducing our newly developed FRP silo production line. The composite silos made out of fiberglass boast a plethora of advantages over conventional metal heavy duty silos, elevating the industry to a new level of sustainability and effectiveness.
Composite-Tech FRP silo production lines offer:
- Automazione completa
- Wide range of silo types and application (see below)
- Tecnologia di produzione conveniente
- Processo produttivo sostenibile
Composite-Tech GFRP composite silo types are used in:
- Oil & Gas industry
- Agriculture industry (grain storage and more)
- Water storage
- Waste and sea water
- Chemicals storage
- Low oxygen / High pressure
Possible FRP silo shapes made possible with our production line:
- Standard silo
- Flat bottom
- Hopper (funnel bottom silo)
- Truck/train loading
- Variable dimension
Le nostre attrezzature sono progettate per essere affidabili, altamente produttive e uniche nella tecnologia che utilizziamo! Tutti i nostri sviluppi e innovazioni sono brevettati, il che garantisce non solo un'elevata efficacia del tuo investimento, ma anche un mercato libero dalla concorrenza. Inoltre, per garantire l'affidabilità di tutti i moduli della linea di produzione utilizziamo solo quei componenti che hanno superato i nostri rigorosi test e valutazioni delle prestazioni.
By acquiring Composite-Tech GFRP silo production equipment, our clients also have following deliverables:
- Calculations tied to manufacturing a specific end product
- I nostri specialisti eseguono l'installazione delle apparecchiature e svolgono lavori di messa in servizio
- Formazione del personale
- Consulenza continua da parte dei nostri esperti tecnici
Caratteristiche tecniche
Technical Characteristics of the GFRP silos production line
Scopo: | production of fiberglass silos |
voltaggio: | 380V / 50Hz |
Energia: | 30 kw |
Prestazioni della linea: | Depends on end product |
Lunghezza dell'attrezzatura: | 12 m |
Larghezza: | 2.5 m |
Altezza: | 2.8 m |
Advantages of FRP silos compared to conventionally used silos:
- Resistenza alla corrosione – GFRP silos are resistant to corrosion resultant from sea water, chemicals, oil, gas, heat, UV rays and extreme environmental conditions.
- Space saving – When it comes to agricultural grain storage, warehouses serve as another option for storage. Nevertheless, this is where silos save much more space by being vertically positioned.
- Zero waste of stored product – Vertical placement of silos means that it is easy to unload the stored product and there is no product waste resultant from lack of internal compartments, shelves, etc.
- Internal temperature, moisture and pressure – FRP silos are built with an internal management system in mind. As a result, all requirements tied to agricultural and oil&gas industry storage are not only followed but also eased, given better primary characteristics of GFRP silo behaviour.
- Sostenibilità – The end product of our composite silo production lines aids the sustainability in construction, turning the industry towards a more eco friendly solution.
- Durability / Lightweight – High strength makes fiberglass silos resistant to vibration and other internal and external forces applied to the silo. GFRP silos are lightweight as compared to ductile iron, mild steel and HDPE silos. Light weight ensures easy handling, transportation and installation. These qualities make FRP silos much more durable, reliable and economical than conventional silos.
- Inflammation resistance – Unlike its iron counterparts, GFRP silos do not explode and do not catch nor sustain fire.
- Opzioni di personalizzazione – Adatto a praticamente ogni possibile esigenza industriale.
- Mancanza di contaminazione – FRP silos do not rust and therefore carry zero affect to the stored liquids, regardless whether it is water, liquid gas or chemicals.
- Manutenzione e riparazione minime – La lunga aspettativa di vita elimina i costi aggiuntivi legati alle riparazioni.
- Pressure resistance – The high stiffness and high compressive load capacity of FRP silos prevent bursting pressure fluctuations.
- Hydraulic efficiency– GFRP silos have a smooth internal surface which aids excellent hydraulic characteristics and high flow capacity and low friction.
Produzione chiavi in mano di barre d'armatura in GFRP!
Confrontando il prezzo di vendita delle barre d'armatura in GFRP con quello delle barre d'armatura in acciaio, si ottiene un margine di profitto di oltre 120%!
Ottieni la tua linea di produzione in soli 2 mesi dall'ordine e rientra del tuo investimento in soli 3 mesi dall'avvio della produzione.
FRP Silo application
FRP silos are commonly used in overground applications where high endurance, hydraulic efficiency and high strength is essential.