Anton Ocunev

Dyrektor generalny i założyciel Composite-Tech


  • Northwestern Open Technical University (SZTU), Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Technologii
  • Mołdawski Uniwersytet Państwowy (USM), Wydział Biznesu i Zarządzania.


  • 15 lat doświadczenia w budownictwie mieszkaniowym i przemysłowym.
  • 8 lat w inżynierii mechanicznej.
  • Przez lata działalności naukowej i zawodowej Anton Okuniew uzyskał 14 patentów w dziedzinie inżynierii mechanicznej.

W 2010 roku Anton Ocunev założył odnoszącą sukcesy firmę budowlaną w Kiszyniowie w Mołdawii. Portfolio firmy obejmuje centra handlowe, stacje benzynowe, magazyny i prywatne domy.

Anton Ocunev jest CEO i założycielem Composite-Tech. Firma szybko rozwinęła się i stała się liderem w branży produkcji linii do produkcji prętów zbrojeniowych FRP, z globalnym zasięgiem i wiodącą w branży technologią.

Environmental Impact on the Properties of FRP Rebar

The widespread use of GFRP products encourages applied studies of various composite materials, their mechanical qualities and characteristics, and, equally important, research on the influence of various environmental factors on FRP characteristics. Fibre-reinforced polymers have become a cost-effective alternative to materials traditionally used in marine construction, civil engineering, agriculture, chemical and some other industries.Initially appreciated for better corrosion resistance, high tensile strength, and lighter weight, the scope of application of FRP rebars has been continuously expanding. Reinforced concrete and iron bars are known for changing their properties and losing mechanical strength in the long term when exposed to humidity and water, some chemical substances, and thermal shock. Many fields of industrial and civil engineering began implementing modern materials, including FRP...

Environmental Performance of FRP

FRP products are continuously expanding applications and markets due to their outstanding properties. Improved functional performance of fibre-reinforced polymers compared to steel, most notably, corrosion and thermal resistance, durability, high tensile strength, and lightweight, has significantly widened FRP products’ applications. Faster installation and lower transportation and maintenance costs of FRP composite resulted in higher demand for FRP products. However, the sustainability of the manufacturing process and final products represent a significant concern in a global society. With the world going green and presenting new challenges for the manufacturing sector, one of the key aspects of any business is its environmental impact and ability to blend in the society, economy, and environment. Initially, pultrusion production of fibre-reinforced polymers was developed to...

FRP Rebar Market: Trends, Forecast, and Analysis

Superb strength, thermal and electrical insulation, light weight, and non-corrosive characteristics of composite materials give a reason for wider employment of FRP products in various industries, for instance, water treatment units, agriculture, all sorts of offshore constructions, chemical industry, and civil engineering (freeways, bridges, and commercial and residential constructions). Content The Overview of the FRP Rebar MarketKey Market TrendsFRP Rebar Market — DynamicsFRP Rebar Market — AnalysisFRP Rebar Market — Geographical Outlook The Overview of the FRP Rebar Market As shown in the study carried out by IndustryARC, considering the current condition and the progress rate the FRP Rebar market can hit $1.1 milliard by 2025. Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) rebar represents an advanced substitution for metal rebar. This combo...

FRP Rebar vs. Steel Rebar

When it comes to rebars used universally in industrial and civil fields, you might have been wondering about the differences between the FRP rebar and its steel counterpart. Despite obvious trends in various industries shifting to FRP rebars, some companies are still doubtful and conduct multiple pieces of research on FRP vs. steel prospects, characteristics, and performance. Content Steel Rebar and Its PropertiesFRP Rebar and Its PropertiesFRP rebar vs. Steel rebar Steel Rebar and Its Properties Steel is known for its great qualities deployed across various industries. The downside of steel is that it is prone to moisture and, consequently, corrosion. All sorts of chemical reactions, such as oxidation, generate a negative impact on steel properties eventually. Thus, steel rebar...

Composite-Tech FRP Production Lines: Products and Areas of Application

Since 2012, Composite-Tech has been manufacturing a variety of GFRP products production lines. The brand has rightfully earned its reputation as one of the industry leaders given the top-notch products and unsurpassed customer service. The highest quality of deployed FRP is ensured by the ongoing collaboration with international research labs focused on further improvement of industrial-grade composite materials. Composite-Tech offers production lines designed specifically for manufacturing the following GFRP products: GFRP Rebar The company offers one type of rebar lines: CT4 with an output of 4 simultaneous bars. As of now, civil engineering relies heavily on GFRP technology in the construction of roadbeds, bridges, coastal, aeronautical and military bases, as well as industrial facilities. Being 8 times lighter and 3...

Everything You Need to Know About Manufacturing of Composite Reinforcement and Reinforcing Mesh

FRP mesh and FRP rebar production lines from Composite-Tech are recognized globally due to their unchallengeable quality. The enhanced properties of materials used during the manufacturing process ensure increased strength and high performance of production lines. Content Production Line Service PackageRequirements for Production FacilitiesMaterials Used for Manufacturing Composite Reinforcement and Reinforcing MeshFRP Mesh and FRP Rebar Production Lines: Experience, Credibility, and QualityWhat Is Included in the Price? Production Line Service Package Besides offering top-grade production lines, the company provides: Diversified assistance in the selection and evaluation of premises suitable for production lines’ installation Full-service installation, check-out, and start-up works are performed by the company’s qualified team. In-situ training and continuous support for the staff and technical personnel Requirements for Production...

Fiberglass Tanks and Silos

Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics (FRP) represent a state-of-the-industry composite material widely used in the construction of tanks and silos of various sizes. The FRP end product is received by reinforcing high-performance fiberglass and several types of resins. Given its durability, heat and corrosion resistance, the material has become a popular choice for manufacturing tanks meant for storing various substances.To enhance certain properties of FRP tanks and silos, certain grades of resin are used to manufacture silos and tanks for different applications. More specifically:- Orthophthalic resin is used for general-purpose tanks and provides containment properties.- Isophthalic resin provides enhanced wear resistance and chemical resistance. This resin type is used in manufacturing reservoirs and containers for industries where higher corrosion resistance is required.-...

FRP Rebars: Areas of Applications

FRP stands for Fiber-Reinforced Plastic, and it makes a worthy, budget-friendly alternative to steel. It is also alternatively known as fiber-reinforced polymer or Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP). Fiberglass rebars have been used for over 60 years already, and its strength is 3 times higher than steel reinforcement – the limit exceeds one thousand mega Pascal. Content What is GFRP Rebar?What Is GFRP Rebar Used For?Where Are GFRP Rebars Used? What is GFRP Rebar? Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics is a strong, lightweight construction material valued for its resistance to corrosion. Being essentially a spirally-twisted structural reinforcing rod, GFRP is frequently called composite because it is made of a combination of different substances, including plastic resin and fibers of glass. The mixture...

The best manufacturer of FRP composite rebar production lines?

Composite rebar production is ramping up in speed like never before and the demand for it grows even faster than what current suppliers can digest. This makes more and more people consider the acquisition of FRP rebar production lines and Composite-Tech continues to support such requests as the industry leader. We receive hundreds of requests regarding our lines daily, but the most common question is how do we compare to the competition. Therefore, in a typical to us, open fashion, we decided to dedicate an article to it and expand on why our clients continuously choose Composite-Tech over the other FRP rebar and mesh production lines manufacturers. Content Composite-Tech - FRP rebar production lines manufacturerIndustrial grade designWe support our clients...


Fiberglass reinforcing mesh is designed for concrete reinforcement as well as road and highway overlays. It prolongs the pavement lifespan by reducing the effects of reflective cracking caused by traffic loads, age hardening and temperature cycling. This aids the pavement life span between service maintenance significantly. Fiberglass reinforcing mesh makes it possible to reduce thickness of asphalt concrete pavement of up to 20%, and is also applicable in strengthening of structures’ foundations. Content The benefits of the GFRP Mesh are as followsApplication of Composite-Tech GFRP Mesh The benefits of the GFRP Mesh are as follows Corrosion resistant - GFRP rebar, GFRP mesh, GFRP bent elements do not rust and are immune to salt ions, chemicals and concrete inherent alcalines. This...

Introduction to the world of GFRP rebar production

Historically, rebar appears to be the most commonly used raw material in construction and the way we see it, there is no clear substitute to it. Whatever the built structure is, it must include concrete blocks, walls or foundation and all concrete must be reinforced. Steel rebar has long been the only option of concrete reinforcement but given that the construction landscape continues to evolve, there is now a substitute to steel and it is overwhelming. This substitute comes in the form of composite rebar and mesh. Such rebar is manufactured either from fiberglass or basalt and today, as an introductory post, we would like to go over the main benefits that FRP rebar carries and just how much more...
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